Managing system interference remains the predominant limitation for scaling node density in wireless networks. As the number of nodes increase in IoT and 5G networks, they are suffering growing mutual-interference challenges. In contrast, Military sensor networks, termed Battlefield of Things (BoT) suffer from strong intentional interference from external sources. In addition to interference problems for BoT, security concerns are challenging for the low cost, low power sensors, due to the limited resources available on the devices to protect against cyber-attacks.
Why Choose Us
Espre Technologies’ NvisiLink branded product lines implement the Digital Chaos Digital Baseband chipsets for IoT & BoT solutions. Digital Chaos provides a patented highly reliable, scalable, and secure wireless hardware platform. Employing low-power, wideband dynamic chaotic waveforms for covert and secure transmission (i.e., “hide-in-plain sight”), Digital Chaos uses spatial diversity to combat cyber-attacks and artificial intelligence (A.I.) for spectrum interference management.
Our solution provides…
Unrivaled Security
- Dual layer data protection
- Chaotic waveform over encryption
Data is physically converted into chaotic waveforms & masked across networks.
Embedded AI
- Smart threat mitigation
- Active detection & instant protection
Unrecognized activity is instantly blocked and network secured against successive attempts.
Massive Scalability
- Smart resource allocation
- data physically removed from visible spectrum
10X simultaneous transactions per milisecond combined with spectrum reallocation
Cost Effective
NvisiLink® powered network gives your business the platform to operate at unprecedented scale, grow at lower cost, and perform without data loss, degradation or outside threats